Formerly known as my “Cool on a Disklavier Page” Written in 1986, this page is dedicated to my piano-a Mark IV Yamaha Disklavier, the first piece of furniture that Gina and I ever purchased. Our small recording studio includes a Fender Telecaster, A Martin D18, An Ovation , a Line 6 Guitar Port, an Antares ATR1, and a Dedicated Music Sequencing Dual Screen Computer loaded with various Sequencers, and composing software. This page is dedicated to Music for the Yamaha Disklavier. From my 1986 Midi Website.
Hello and welcome to our Disklavier Cyber Music Collection. I have included on this page, an eclectic collection of “rare” midi that I have snagged in the surf. We listen to our midi thru a Yamaha MU80XG sound module combined with a Yamaha Disklavier Grand Piano and the following pieces have been chosen because they sound good on our setup and they are not found on every single Midi Web Page on Earth. WE stream this page to our piano to demo it! Should you accidentally run into some unusual piano midi, please zip it up and ATTACH it to some mail to us. * The following midi selections have been re sequenced and rechanneled for optimized quality on our specific setup. They might sound pretty bad on some sound generic card midi tone generators.
- you-never-give-me-your-money-beatles
- you-make-me-smile-dave-koz
- the-velocity-of-love-susan-ciani
- the-piano-theme-movie-soundtrack
- swing-cafe
- striving
- song-for-kei-david-benoit
- soft-days
- sing-allan-parsons-project
- roxanne-sting
- play-misty-for-me
- nice-but-unkown
- mias-song
- marin-m-walthius
- keepers
- josie-steely-dan
- james-pat-methaney
- home-again-ewf
- groovin-ewf
- freedom-at-midnight-david-benoit
- frankenstein-allen-parsons-project
- every-little-thing-bruce-hornsby
- early-morning-attitude-grp
- cybermusic-2
- cybermusic3
- cyberbeat-m-walthius
- constanz
- come-september-ewf
- cat-walk
- bop-university
- boogie-riff
- boogie-down-ewf
- blues-riff
- blue-danube-waltz-by-johann-strauss
- best-for-less
- angel-eyes
- an-olympic-theme-unknown
- after-the-love-is-gone-ewf
The Soundtrack of my life….
- Phoenix
- The Stokes
- Michael Hedges
- Don Ross
- Andy McKee
- Carlos Vamos
- Jesse Cook
- David Benoit
- James Taylor
- Dave Koz
- Joe Satriani
- Peter Townsend and the WHO
- Michael Franks
- Nick Drake
- Jack Johnson
- Norah Jones
- Steely Dan
- John Mayer
- Andrea Bocelli
- Linkin Park
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers
- The Greatfull Dead
- B-52s
- Pablo Cruise
- America
- The Doobie Brothers
- Jackson Brown
- Don McClean
- The Tubes
- Boz Scaggs
- The Beatles
- Chicago
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Santana
- JS Bach
- Mozart
- Vivaldi
- Beethovan