Should have Fished the Boat Ramp

Sunday November 26, 2023  –  It’s quite amusing how one often assumes that the best fishing spots are out in the middle rather than where they initially set out. This morning, I launched my boat at Cottonwood onto ONeill Forebay, while there was a frenzy of fish activity right under and around my moored boat.…

Stripers on the Bank

November 10, 2023   After receiving enthusiastic reports from Frank yesterday, in which he vividly described the spectacle of Striper boils scattered throughout the lake, accompanied by a frenzy of birds working large schools of bait while stripers relentlessly attacked write at the boat ramp. I simply couldn’t contain my excitement. My original plan to tie…

A Tale of Four Fishermen…

This is a tale of four seasoned striper fishermen fishing  the O’Neill Forebay on 4 separate days in a week.  Their outcomes varied dramatically, reflecting the impact of social media and our extensive network of fishing reports which allowed us to gather a wealth of up-to-date information about fishing conditions at San Luis Reservoir and…

A No Hitter on the the Forebay

November 3, 2023 – I decided to try the Forebay today hoping that it would start to pick up as the lake starts to slow down but ended a short day from 9-1 with not even a touch despite all the ingredients for a a great day except feeding fish.   I livescoped the entire forebay…