Mia’s CALTV piece on Memorial Stadium

In her last year at University of California Berkeley, Mia juggles her upper division studies with CALTV. Today, CAL was again ranked the number one public university in the world by Newsweek, the top 21st nationally, and #2 in Biological Sciences nationaly Newsweek also ranked University of Oregon 55th in the country for public schools…

Mia Syn reporting for CALTV

Behind the scenes,  two individuals who proclaimed that they work for Abecrombie and Fitch asked Mia after the filming of that piece if she would come to SF and be evaluated for an in store modeling position.  Sounded kind of fishy to me so I researched it.   Seems this may be a way that…

Mia Syn’s CALTV – Ralph Nader

Mia had the opportunity to interview and do a piece on Ralph Nader at CAL (at 55 seconds). Nader was at CAL to talk about the effect of Sports Scholarships on the viability of great universities. You be the judge, but I must admit that I am a big fan of College Football and that…