I only have a couple fishing days left on San Luis this November and I’m remembering last Novembers phenomenal luck landing 3 fish over 20 lbs in the main lake. I haven’t had much luck this month on the main lake having fished it three days without a big fish only to retreat to the forebay and catch all the fish I can stand but no big pigs. I know that the trollers are getting them and last month lots of big fish were taken on shrimp and deep jumbo minnows in the lake but the fly fishing window for pigs hasn’t opened for me.
The hydro dynamics of the lake are very different this year, having drawn down all summer to record lows and filling so rapidly in the fall. The lake is at 32 percent right now as opposed to 27 percent last year at this time. The toxic algae bloom was especially harsh this year because of the drawdown and heat but water conditions seem to be close. I decided not to go out on Monday because of the huge full moon on Sunday night and iI am glad I didn’t go because Monday reports on the lake, forebay and delta were pretty bad. Sometimes despite the full moon, the big fish feed later in the day. Im still leaning towards 5 inch flies for the big ones but I have more confidence in smaller flies for quantity in the main lake.. Like the Warriors, one invincible year does not guarantee the same result the next year even if all things point to it being so. Fishing is like that. Ill try again this weekend, do the same casts, use the same flies, and hope for the same results.
At least the Warriors are winning like they were last year. Gina and I enjoyed watching the Dubs Eclipse the Suns with 30 point games from three guys . Its great to see how the team play is evolving this season. Each game, they play better and better together and the scores are showing better defense and shooting.