Watching the weather early this week, things didn’t look good for my fishing window Friday thru Sunday. All wind indicators showed big NE winds every morning with no lulls. Dan mentioned to me that Ed GIven did pretty good in the wind on the West side in the big wind just fishing the protected shoreline near Dinosaur Point on Wednesday. Friday and Saturday Morning the lake was closed with Red lights and 20 plus mph winds. With one day left in the weekend, I checked the wind Sunday Night at 10pm and it was blowing 18mph .
I woke up at 5 and looked at the wind forecasts and maybe I was still sleeping but I could have sworn that I saw that the wind had died to around 5mph. I jumped out of bed, got my stuff together and headed to the lake. On my way I called the wind line again and was surprised to hear that the wind was now blowing 18mph. I was already in Gilroy and there was no wind there. Hopeing that the Wind predictions were wrong as they had been in the past, I got to the lake only to see the yellow lights on and whitecaps across the lake in a big east wind.
I went to the forebay after a nice talk with the lady at the basalt station and fished the protected coves near the launch. Again the forebay was dead–as dead as I have ever seen it. Tim Anderson called around 9:00 am and asked if was worth heading over. I said no. Oh well, I went home and tied redfish flies. 14 days till the Redfishing Solar Eclipse Adventure.