After closing all the rivers August 14th, on August 21, due to cooler weather, all rivers were reopened EXCEPT the St. Mary River downstream of the St. Mary Reservoir and its tributaries. Those St Mary’s Rainbows have a lot of time to grow till next year, unmolested by anglers for perhaps the rest of the year. As the Terminator would say “Ill be back!” The official statement issued by the Alberta environment and Parks Dept:
“Given the cooler weather and rain throughout Southern Alberta, water temperatures have decreased and the threat to fish mortality has diminished such that angling may resume in most areas,” said a Friday statement from Alberta Environment and Parks.
Fishermen and women are reminded to fish in stocked ponds and lakes, fish early in the morning, and minimize handling time, releasing fish as quickly as possible.
The province said Fish Research Licence holders may now resume approved activities.
Anyone with questions can contact the Alberta Environment and Parks information line at 310-3773.
The Rivers that were closed –
Threepoint Creek and tributaries;
Jumpingpound Creek from headwaters to the Bow River;
Little Red Deer River and tributaries from headwaters downstream to Red Deer River, including Dogpound Creek and tributaries;
Waterton River and all tributaries upstream of Waterton Reservoir, including Drywood Creek;
Waterton River downstream of Waterton Reservoir, river only;
Castle River and tributaries downstream of SH 507 to Highway 3, including Screwdriver Creek, Beaver Mines Creek and Mill Creek;
Pincher Creek and tributaries;
Oldman River from Highway 22 downstream to Secondary Road 510, river only; and
Willow Creek, main stem and tributaries from Chain Lakes downstream to Pine Coulee Reservoir Diversion Head pond.
Sheep River from the headwaters to the Highwood River including Gorge Creek and tributaries;
Highwood River from headwaters to Bow River;
St. Mary River, downstream of the St. Mary Reservoir and tributaries;
Belly River, downstream of Secondary Road 800;
Bow River from Bearspaw Reservoir to the W.H.D. Weir;
Bow River from W.H.D Weir to the Carseland Weir;
Bow River from Carseland Weir to Highway 24 bridge;
Bow River from Highway 24 bridge downstream to Bassano Dam; and
Elbow River from Glenmore Reservoir to the Bow River confluence.