The Red Lights over San Luis Reservoir this afternoon signaled the end of a three trip streak of 20lb Plus fish. The day started out promising, with a good solonar peak around 9:45am. Ken Oda in his tube and I in my boat, pounded the Bay of Pigs but came up porkless. Both of us fished hard and were ZERO by the end of the solonar peak. I whole shot over to the islands around 11:00 and I could see a line of white caps coming across the lake. By the time I had made it to the islands, I had my life vest on and could hardly stand in the boat casting the shoreline that produced the 21 lbr four days ago. I wanted a fish in a bad way, but it wasn’t to be. I headed in to fish the bays around the Basalt Launch and found a couple mud lines to try with no success. Getting the boat out of the lake with the dock pitching 2 feet was tough to say the least, but the Basalt Launch was healthy and had concrete under the trailer tires instead of mud. I stopped at the station to get rebanded and noticed a Ranger turning boats away. The red light was flashing and it is the first time I have seen it go from dead calm to 20mph in a couple hours. Looks like it will be a couple weeks before I give the lake another try after Thansgiving. So ends the streak but its the most memorable series of trips Ive ever had on the lake.
Im done with bulky fly boxes. My new thing is to put every fly in its own Poly Bag and then put the polybags and flies in a plastic case. The nice thing about having Bass Pro Shop in your backyard is that you can go over in 5 minutes and try stuff out. Bass pro just so happens to make a plastic case that fits my ULINE Poly Bags perfectly. Ill be tying loads of flashtail clousers this winter for Stipers and Golden Dorado September 2016
Hey Meng
I was on the big lake as well yesterday morning and was shocked how rough it got in a hurry! I use windfinder (the app) and it didn’t call for that. I’m waiting for this rain to pass and hopefully try tomorrow morning…outside of calling the 800 line what wind forecasting sites have you found accurate for San Luis?
Nice clousers by the way!
On the Iphone, an app called WindAlert is good. Use the Quicklook/Plus Forecast for more than three days ahead. I find the WRAMS 8KM-California model is the most accurate. I also subscribe to a site called Wind Guru. There are lots of different prediction models to choose from for a given GPS coordinate. You can set up an Email alert when the wind is between 0-5 mph. Even if its a day I cant fish, I like to know what the wind is blowing there.