This last year Ive taken an Xacti HD1000 around the world, from Kirabati to Alberta. I am a big fan of the Xacti Series of High Def SD cams from Sanyo that record to QPIXEL H.264 at 720p and 1080i resolutions. I decided recently that I need a second camera to make my editing more interesting so I decided to buy an HD700 until I found out that Sanyo released the Xacti VPC-HD800 last month. I bought mine from an eBay company called for $350. They threw in an 8 gig SD card, a portable reader and an extra Battery for that price. This has got to be the deal of the century! Yesterday, I took some video of a Rally at my daughters school and was impressed with the quality and performance of the camera. It seems that the 720p mp4 files are even more compatible than those of the HD1000 in Final Cut and Premier CS4 (more on CS4 to follow). Smaller Profile and the same performance as the HD1000 with better noise filters and the ability to take some decent 8 megapixel still while simultaneously shooting video.