“..it is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy…”
For the first time ever, Gina and I spent Thanksgiving with the kids in New York . It was a grand feast prepared by my sister in law’s family. Mark flew in from Oregon to join us and Mia brought two friends from school. Gina’s mom, Lucy, spent the evening with us and Nick in Califonia joined us on Skype for the evening. It was a great evening for all of us and we counted our blessings and gave thanks for being together.
We took in the holiday festivities in NYC. We saw Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic Theater, The Rockettes Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall., Ariana Grande perfoming in Christmas In Rockefeller Center, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. We braved the crowds on Black Friday and shopped Mias Favorite stores for half off sales. But, despite the fun we had at the events, the food for me was most memorable. We ate great food for a week–Chocolate Bobka’s from Zabar’s, Chocolate Chip Cookies from Levain Bakery, Laksa from Malasian Grill, Seraphina, and Bobby Flay’s Bar Americain. We might have done more but both kids were busy studying for upcoming exams