Freaky Friday on Earth

What are the odds of a meteor and and asteroid entering the atmosphere in the same day on earth? Answer is 100 million to 1 chance daily. Imagine if this had happened on Mayan apocalypse day! It might as well have in relation to astronomical events. “…and there will be signs in the sun, the…

Mia goes Ivy League, Mark gets his Geek on…

Yesterday, a landmark day in my daughters career – acceptance to Columbia University’s  Masters Program.  One of the premier masters programs in Nutrition in the country.  Its off to New York before the end of the year.  Congratulations to our Ivy League bound daughter.   My sister and brother in law live not 15 minutes from Campus…


Well it’s official. Bass Pro has answered my letters and prayers by deciding to  build one less than 3 miles from my house. Seriously, the day they hire employees, you will find me in line. Yes I know that there is more money in Private Practice, but I started in a fishing store and maybe I’m destined…

The vines are pruned…

After reading and researching, I’ve decided I would prune our grapes in the Double Guyot and Cordon Pruning system. The system is essentially a spur trained version of the Guyot system that involves using single or bilateral cordons instead of canes. In double Guyot, two spurs and two canes are retained.The choice between single and double Guyot is decided…